I haven’t posted about my weekend trips in a while, as I’m going through all of these new life changes.
Although I have gone on several great trips recently, this past weekend was one of the most epic and I wanted to share with you all.
So for those who are following my adventures on Facebook, you already know that I brought my younger sister along with me on my latest adventure. Her 15th birthday is coming up, and she always asks if she can come with me – so I figured now is a good time to start “showing her the ropes” per say.
What better way to kick off her FIRST camping trip than a overnight hike! ;)

There were actually several “firsts” last weekend:
It was my first backpacking experience as well. I normally camp near my (very stocked) car.
This was my sister and I’s first trip together, just us.
It was my first time driving in the mountains myself. (I’m normally lucky enough to observe)
It was my first time hiking in the dark.
Also my first time doing the specific hike .. awesome
It was my first time using my “small tent” (that I inherited recently from my grandma’s house. It was either my Dad or my Uncles, whom have both passed, so that itself brought this trip so much meaning)
My first time sleeping on the ground while camping. (I mean we had several blankets & a sleeping bag, but I always have had the luxury of an air mattress in the past. & man, am I now more grateful than ever!)
This was my first time officially testing out “car camping.” (The second night – pictured below)
It was both of our first time seeing a bear. (yes, a real life black bear. A couple of them ran across the road in front of us, like deer do where I’m from)
It was NOT my first time driving to the mountains with absolutely no plan.
But It was one hell of a weekend! (so great that we stayed an extra day)

Imagine waking up to these views :)
My sister wanted to see some waterfalls while we were there. A must see when visiting the NC Mountains is Looking Glass Falls (below). It is always beautiful and right off the road (meaning also crowded). We came here together on a family trip a few years ago.
It’s crazy how much has changed since then.
I also stopped by Looking Glass Falls in my latest YouTube video!

I have wanted to hike Black Balsam overnight for some time now. So much so that I was considering doing it alone.
I want to be able to take trips alone. Maybe that will come?

I’m honestly SO glad that I got to spend this time with my sister and show her around the mountains.
Where should I take her next? Let me know in the comments!
♥ Haley Jane